Travelling Matti

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Can you just leave a cruise ship, partway through the cruise?

Many wonder this. I get it. Maybe you want to get from Florida to Cozumel, and think 2/3 of a Caribbean cruise sounds like the way to do it. Should you just pack light and sneak off, maybe getting a fast little boat to speed you away?

Hey, stop at the Palace! That’s a great place to stay!

Nothing so dramatic is necessary, but a little extra planning goes a long way. Last time I was flying out of Cozumel, there were several people who had done just this - left their cruise part way through, stayed on Cozumel for a while, and then flew back to the States.

Now, I have never done this - I like to finish my cruises - so don’t take my comments as the absolute, definitive last word on how to do this. But if you do, one word of advice - when it is time to leave - get to the airport early. Like at least 3 hours early. They were pulling the people out of line at check in to deal with their issues.

You see, in some countries, like Mexico, you get a tourist visa (a little card) when you arrive. You must turn this in when you depart. But it turns out, these fellows somehow didn’t get theirs when they left the ship with all their luggage. They were going to be able to fly home, but there was apparently a bunch of extra paperwork.

Also - and this shouldn’t need to be said - let the cruise ship personnel know. You probably have a bill to pay, and they no doubt have paperwork to do. Despite the warnings that they will leave without you, sometimes the ship will wait for passengers that didn’t return.

Best plan - research the specific country you plan to disembark in, and advise the cruise line well in advance (like before final payment is due, in case there is a problem and you need to come up with a new plan). But it sure does sound like it could be a fun journey - cruise, get off, enjoy a destination in more detail, fly somewhere to catch another cruise, get off, enjoy a destination… you get the idea. Wandering.