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Hi. Hola. Terve.Yassou.

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Don't eat like a tourist - eat local!

Don't eat like a tourist - eat local!

Several years ago, while on a cruise ship stop in Athens, Greece, our tour guide was asking us what we wanted for lunch. He seemed so excited to tell us that they had American-style food. They even had TGI Friday’s!

As politely as we could manage we explained that we did not want North American food; we were in Greece, we wanted real Greek food. Real Greek, he inquired? Yes – take us where you would take you mother for a special lunch.

It was, needless to say, fantastic. It was a wonderful lunch, with great food and service. (Whenever we tell this story to our friends, my wife jumps in with “the bathrooms smelled like bleach!”, which she considers high praise) Wherever we go, we try to at least try the local food. If it isn’t too our liking, fine, but at least we know.

The food need not be exotic. On a recent trip to Cancun I stopped at a food cart selling pancakes. As I attempted in my almost non-existent Spanish to order some breakfast, the young lady asked politely if I would rather speak English. (Her English was excellent by the way – making my complete failure to speak her language even more pronounced!)

Local Food blog post travel advice Cancun pancakes - hotplate.JPG

A few minutes later I was sitting at an outdoor table, with delicious pancakes, and what appeared to be real maple syrup.

These are simple moments, but ones I will remember forever. I could have grabbed something at Starbucks, but that day I just followed the impulse to try something different, and I was glad I did. Meals seem to lead to good memories – whether we are talking about a dinner with friends, or a light snack on a back street in Venice.

When travelling, if a local place looks interesting (and clean!), give it a try. You will likely end up telling your friends about it for years.

Local Food blog post travel advice Cancun pancakes - menu.JPG

Heading on a cruise, and want some suggestions of what to do (and where to eat) in port? Check out our guides.

Strange, but semi-famous, places

Strange, but semi-famous, places

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