Travelling Matti

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The weather is turning colder...

Right around this time is when many start to feel the first hints of fall. This, in turn, makes us think of our winter vacations.

What does your dream vacation look like? Hot days on the beach, followed by relaxing as the sun sets over the sea? Exploring far off countries and cultures? Enjoying adventure activities?

Whatever your dream vacation may be, there are so many resources available to plan. Many still head to their local bookstore or library to research their favorite destinations. Others head to well known web sites and discussion forums. Some go to smaller sites to read informative blogs (try this one or this one or even purchase inexpensive destination guides. (hint, hint). Some talk to friends and co-workers.

The last soruce can be particularly rewarding. Years ago I worked with a fellow who was a very frequent cruiser. On breaks we often discussed travel, and some of the best ways to plan travel. I moved last year, and my new neighbors often love to talk about their most recent vacation.

By talking to others, and reading the thoughts of others, we can have our mind opened up to all sorts of different destinations and activities. A trip that we would have never considered can suddenly become a must. Maybe instead of going back to the same resort you have for the last few years, you will try something altogether new.

But one thing is certain - as the weather turns colder, it sure is fun to dream.