Travelling Matti

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Diamond Head hike on Oahu- Worth It!

I came across an article, discussing the 7 best hikes on Oahu. (Here). The first one on the list- Diamond Head.

Several years ago we hiked up this trail, and it certainly deserves to be on the list. We got up early, so that we could be at the top at sunrise. We thought we were so hard core. Half way up, breathing hard and leaning on a rail for support, a woman decades older than us passed us ON HER WAY DOWN!! She had already been to the top, and was easily descending the path. Now, we are not serious hikers, but we were pretty happy with our performance that day. Until the hiker on her way down felt it necessary to encourage us - “keep going, you are almost there!”

Embarrassed into soldiering on, we finished the climb. Now one point not made in the referenced article- definitely go early. The view at sunrise is spectacular. Almost enough to make me forget my embarrassment at being completely out-hiked by a senior citizen.

What are your favorite hikes? Any special places or tips to share?