Profile Pic - Travelling Matti

Hi. Hola. Terve.Yassou.

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Wandering (Part 1 - Rhodes)

Wandering (Part 1 - Rhodes)

One of the hashtags I frequently use on Instagram is #wandering. The idea of just wandering, just exploring freely, has such an appeal to me. Of course, my life has afforded me many opportunities to travel for extended periods of time, allowing for such freedom.

Rhodes Greece was one destination where I just wandered. We didn’t go with a route map or a strict itinerary - we just walked Old Town Rhodes freely.

I see crowds - time to go another way…

I see crowds - time to go another way…

There is something liberating about this approach. Just walking. Meeting people, and engaging with them in conversation. In Rhodes we spoke with a beggar, and he played us some music. We picked a restaurant which looked good and had a view, and just watched people go by. We passed tunnels, foot-paths, and courtyards and said “let’s go here.”

What will we find?

What will we find?

Are there downsides to such wandering? Well, in some areas there might be literal danger, but I often find such worries overblown. It is possible you will miss seeing something amazing. For an individual cruise ship stop where there are several key “must see” landmarks - have a schedule. But if you are staying somewhere for a while, don’t let every moment be structured. Take some time to just wander.

Get yourself a travel journal

Get yourself a travel journal

Heading to Oahu, Hawaii? Go to Hanauma Bay

Heading to Oahu, Hawaii? Go to Hanauma Bay