Well Known "Travel Tips" - Still True?
We’ve all read the articles “10 must follow travel tips”, “Best hints for great vacations”, and so on. But the world has changed. With the increase in vaccinations, and (hopefully) the pandemic in decline, many are starting to book travel. As someone who has lived abroad during the pandemic, let me tell you, some things are different than you remember. So what about the well worn bits of wisdom? Are they still true? Some. Sort of. (Quotes below are from an article which has been reposted all over the internet)
Sometimes our needs can be simple - sun, heat, and water. Like a plant.
Travel Tip #1. Find out alternate routes to your destination.
“Sometimes, a combination of two flights is cheaper than one flight. Or, you can also say that the direct route is not always the cheapest.” Is this still true? Well, yes, sometimes. I find this is true between airlines, but not within an airline. For example, if I am determined to fly with Delta, and they offer a direct flight, it is quite likely that the direct flight is cheaper. But there are a lot of factors - buying the last seat on a direct flight might be more expensive than buying onto a nearly empty connecting flight. Or maybe another airline only has a route with a connection, but it is cheaper. The connecting flight won’t be cheaper because it is a connecting flight, but because of one of a dozen other factors. Also - don’t forget that you might be wearing a mask the whole time, making it desirable to spend as little time on an airplane as possible.
Travel Tip #2. Reduce the food costs during your trip by shopping in local supermarkets rather than dining out.
“You can buy some healthy snacks and fresh food from a market to eat during your outings. It is a far better idea instead of stopping for lunch at a touristy restaurant.” This is true now, for sure. In fact, it has never been better advice. Now, you might want to find a great local spot and enjoy the culture, but skip the tourist trap restaurants. They have always been too expensive for what you get.
Travel Tip #3.Look into renting an apartment.
This is still great advice for longer stays. There are a lot of options now - not just AirBnB, but many other sites which can help you locate that great apartment. One of the best tools is Facebook - particularly the groups section. If you can find a group of “expats” - generally Americans who have relocated permanently or semi-permanently, you will often see posts about which neighborhoods to stay in, what budget to expect, and where to find great apartments. Coupled with point #2 this can lead to more of a ‘traveler’ experience, as opposed to just tourism. You will feel part of the culture, and will have a more satisfying trip. Unless you just want to drink by the beach - then go with a resort. :)
Travel Trip#4. Make your trip much more affordable by being flexible.
“This is probably the most important concept overall in terms of discount travel. If you can be flexible and open to new things in regards to your destinations, you have the opportunity of taking whichever is cheap. Thus, you will often save lots of money.” This is one of those points which is true, but for some of us meaningless. If you are a planner, the type of person who knows exactly what they want out of a trip and will dig deep to find it, then so what if there is a cheaper alternative? You know what is even cheaper? Staying home.
Now if all you want is a great beach, free food and drink, then yes, make sure you check out a variety of destinations. Depending on local circumstances they can vary wildly in price, yet the sun, sand, and sea are all pretty much the same. But for more discerning travelers, if part of your trip includes Mayan ruins and great tacos, then you will probably be seeking out Mexico for your beach vacation. If you want baklava and Greek temples, then Mykonos is probably better. Yes, you can find baklava in Cancun, but that doesn’t make it a good Greece substitute, even if it is cheaper.
Travel Tip #5. Consider the value of staying put for a while.
The idea behind this one is to just soak in the local area, instead of trying to see everything within a days drive of your destination. Again, this really depends on what you want from a trip. Still, it can be good advice. Sometimes what you want is right next door.
The world has changed, but a lot of the advice for travelers has stayed the same. Find a great place to visit, soak in the culture, and consider staying in a neighborhood instead of always staying in a hotel. Know yourself and what you want, and do your research.
Be safe out there.