Travelling Matti

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We're starting a store!

An old adage, of unclear origin, is “Find something you love to do and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.”

Well, that is probably bad career advice for many, but if you can work at something related to what you love to do, then the work will at least be enjoyable.

With that in mind, I have started a store on my website. The list of products is currently pretty short, but growing rapidly. My love of travel is pretty wrapped up with my love of scuba diving. So I have created a line of products showcasing dive photos I have taken over the years. Check it out here

Do you love diving? Know someone who does? Or just love the ocean and all that lives in it? Definitely check out our products. And check back - the catalog will be growing. If it grows enough, it might become its own online store. I am working on a full featured online scuba products store, but I thought I would test the waters here first.