Now that restrictions are lifting...
So we just learned that Canada will be lifting basically all travel restrictions, including masks on planes. I wonder how most feel about that?
Wearing a mask in the terminal - that has been annoying for a long time. Don’t get me wrong - I am not anti-mask. It always struck me as crazy that at the beginning of the pandemic we were told (and many still feel) that wearing a mask didn’t help prevent a virus that lives in the lungs and sinuses. Is there some other path in that I am not aware of? My issue is that I often arrive very early for flights (I hate racing to catch a plane) so I could end up wearing a mask for many hours. After a while they get irritating. If you a long connection you could be wearing a mask all day, other than to eat and drink.
On the plane - I am curious to see what people will do. I suspect very few will wear masks once they are no longer required. For me it will probably depend on how crowded the plane is, and if a stranger is right beside me. And if they are coughing and blowing their nose!
Travel during the pandemic was somewhat controversial. Many viewed it as completely irresponsible. Others were convinced it was their divine right. As what Canadians call ‘snowbirds’ our situation was a little different. Although we are tourists, Mexico feels like a second home. Bringing some tourist dollars down south seemed welcome to the locals. Cancun is built around its tourist industry; cutting off the supply of foreigners really hurt some people. It was good to see things finally returning to some version of normal.
The pandemic stages are marked off for us by our trips to Cancun.
We returned from Cancun at the beginning of the pandemic - no masks, just hand sanitizer and distance. That was a strange time to fly. We went into a 2 week quarantine immediately, and nobody knew what was going on.
Heading back to Mexico in the fall of 2020 was equally weird. Still no vaccines, but now everyone had a mask on. Half of the shops and restaurants in YYZ Terminal 1 were closed. The lounge was limited in service and food options. Even in Cancun airport - most everyone wore a mask, but every shop there was open.
Coming back in spring 2021 - that was an adventure. Had a Covid test in the airport - mercifully it was negative. Still masks on everyone, but things returned a little to normal. The service on the plane was limited.
Returning to Cancun in the fall of 2021 - another baby step toward normal. We flew first class that trip, but it wasn’t the ‘real’ first class experience. The seats - pods, actually - were great, and the staff did their best, but meal and drink options were very limited. And of course, still masks.
Our return to Canada this past spring was better. First class again, but this time real hot meals, full food and drink service. While we were supposed to put our masks back on between sips and bites, this wasn’t really enforced. This was the first flight in years which felt close to normal. Not all the way - but close.
Air Canada food service - appetizer and salad.
So now we will be heading back. Will this flight feel completely normal? Almost normal? What will Mexico be like? And will this relaxing of restrictions hold? All I know is I can’t wait to be back in the Caribbean Sea.
My last view of coral as we flew back to Canada