Travelling Matti

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St. Lucia - The most beautiful island in the world (But her sister Dominica is pretty gorgeous too!)

One of the things which drives us to travel is the search for beauty. Culture, yes, history, yes, food, yes - all good reasons to travel. But finding that gorgeous vista, going to that place where you can randomly aim your camera and end up with a postcard worthy shot….that is what draws many of us.

If you are looking for the sort of beauty which can make anyone look like a professional travel photographer, go to St. Lucia. Take a tour and make sure you bring your camera. Or your phone, which nobody uses to make phone calls anymore. If you are here for a few days - may I suggest hiring a driver, unless you are used to “driving left”. St. Lucia is a mountainous island, and driving on the opposite side of the road from what you are used to might be a little dangerous.

This is the place for plein air painters. There are so many scenic lookouts - it is like the entire island has been laid out to show off the natural beauty. Just be careful with your waste - it would be terrible to pour out paint thinner or water used to wash acrylic paints off of brushes in such a natural paradise.

A note on vendors - they are everywhere. At each stop there were vendors asking us to come over and buy something. They weren’t pushy though. Not as bad as Cancun or Cozumel, and no where near as bad as the vendors in Turkey. A polite “no thank you” is all it took, and we were left alone. And if you have a moment, stop and look - maybe you will find something. So many come to St. Lucia by way of cruise ship; if you want to make sure some of your money ends up in the local economy, buy from an independent vendor.

Recommendations available: restaurants, sites, tour guide, and shopping.

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